Our puppies are born and raised in our home as part of the family. They are handled daily and well socialized before coming to live with your family. At seven weeks old, they begin crate training, to ease the transition to your home, and to aide potty training.
Puppies are dewormed at two, four, six, and eight weeks old. They receive coccidiosis preventative at 3, 5, and 7 weeks. They are vet checked and vaccinated before going to their new homes and will come with documentation for you to take with you to your vet appointment. Puppies come with a two year written health guarantee. We have many references, as well as vet references, available if you desire.
The deposit to reserve a puppy is $300. Deposits may be paid by Paypal, a check via mail, or . Puppies will be chosen in the order that deposits are received. Deposits are non refundable, unless a suitable puppy is not available in the litter that you desire. In that case, deposit will be refunded, or you can choose to transfer it to the next litter. Balance of purchase price is due in cash when picked up at 8 weeks old. We do NOT accept checks for the balance, no exceptions. Very sorry for the inconvenience, a few bad eggs spoil it for everyone, unfortunately. Please note that we do NOT hold puppies without a deposit.
Lately we've had people mention more than usual that they "don't need papers" or "just want a pet" so thought I'd take a minute to explain why "just a pet" still needs to be a quality, well bred dog.
First, health. We have been breeding for 24 years now and put health as priority. We don't breed dogs with skin issues, allergies, sensitive stomachs, luxating patellas, etc, etc. We also DNA test our dogs to be sure puppies we produce are not at risk of developing DM (you've probably seen corgis in doggie wheelchairs... back issues should not be an issue in this breed! Totally preventable with good breeding!), VWD (blood clotting disorder), EIC (collapse during exercise), or PRA-PRCD3 (eye disease that causes blindness). Lots of breeders know their dogs have these issues and breed them anyway, sadly. The heartbreak and expense is then passed on to you.
Second, temperament. Corgis were bred to be herding dogs and as such can be very tough and strong willed. Many times we've heard negative comments about the breed from those that have had bad experiences. We have selected, for over 20 years, dogs that make good companions, are eager to please, easy to house train, no separation anxiety. Our dogs make wonderful additions to the average family home.
Third, esthetics. Yes, we love beautiful dogs. There is a breed standard for a reason. All puppies are cute, but not all grow up to look like a quality example of the breed. You will see poorly bred Corgis that are over or under sized, longer than usual legs, very light bones, ears that don't stand up, etc. To many, this doesn't matter, but to some, it does. As breeders, we strive to conform to the breed standard.
Last, commitment. We are here for you for the life of the dog. Any time, with any question. We will also take back dogs bred by us at any point in their lives, so they never end up in a shelter or bad situation. We give a written two year health guarantee and we honor it.
I'm sure you can find cheaper puppies, but if the things above matter to you, I'd encourage you to give them consideration when shopping for a breeder, and not let price be your only deciding factor. Unfortunately, with the popularity of the breed, came lots of breeders looking only to make a quick buck and many do so by producing puppies as cheaply as possible, undercutting the responsible breeders, and caring only about the sale of the litter as quickly as possible and nothing else. There is a difference. We have been breeding a long time and hope to continue for many more years. Many of our puppies go to repeat buyers. We are proud of the puppies we produce and the families they bring joy.
Please research this breed well. We strongly recommend crate training. Drastically helps with housetraining, keeps your dog safe when unsupervised, makes trips to the vet less stressful, etc. We also strongly recommend enrolling your puppy in puppy training classes after their vaccinations are complete. Not only does this strengthen your bond and teach good manners, it is excellent socialization. Puppies are weaned on to Purina Pro Plan Sport 30/20 for All Life Stages. Puppies go home with a Purina Pro Plan Puppy Starter Pack and small bag of food. We strongly discourage early spay and neuter and urge you to do your research on the health benefits to waiting until your puppy is at least a year old before altering.
We do lots of puppy pictures and videos that are posted to YouTube and/or our Facebook page, so you can see your puppy grow and change before you pick him or her up at eight weeks. We allowed visitors for over 20 years but due to a couple of bad experiences, and others we heard about, we have unfortunately had to stop, for a variety of reasons. First, this is our home and our hobby, we are not a commercial storefront. We live rural, so having strangers in our home is a bit unnerving, especially after breeders being robbed, even killed, by those posing as puppy customers. And then after Covid, we realize the risk of germs being carried into our home, a risk to us and/or the puppies. New canine flu, new parvo strains, etc popping up are a very serious concern for the dogs. Most of these new pathogens do not have vaccine yet, so we can't protect against them. Limiting traffic is our best defense. And then, insurance. We have been advised that if someone is hurt, even twisting an ankle in the yard or pecked by a chicken, we could be sued, and likely not covered. So, for safety of all, we will meet you in public with your puppy for pickup. Times have changed, unfortunately, and the safety of our family, human and canine, has to come first. We know there are lots of scams online and are happy to give references of those that have bought puppies from us, as well as both vets we use, so you can verify we are real before sending a deposit. On pickup day, you can bring cash and pay your balance once you have your puppy in your hands. This decision hasn't come lightly and we hope you can understand.
Realistic Expectations:
As puppies head to their new homes I wanted to touch base on a common issue that breeders come across with new owners.
You go to the breeders home. The pups are all social. They are quiet in the pen. The breeder shows you videos of them being totally relaxed at a dog show. All looks amazing and you bring your puppy home.
Then reality hits. The puppy may cry in the crate for the first few nights making you tired and agitated. The happy social puppy is refusing to greet the half dozen overly excited friends you invited over to see your new puppy. The puppy refuses to walk on a leash. Many are wondering how did my perfect puppy turn into a nightmare?
So let’s discuss realistic expectations of when a puppy goes home. First of all the puppy has been in the breeders home since birth. They had their mother and often littermates. They had their routine, were taught expectations and were completely in their comfort zone.
Now suddenly they are taken to a totally new environment. Picture yourself being dropped into an unknown country, often in a different part of the world. You know only a few words of their language. Differnt trees, animals, smells, temperature and people. Now in the middle of this we are switching up your routine, decide to have a party with people you dont know, and ask you to do jobs you have no idea about. Overwhelming to say the least.
This is what every puppy goes through when going to their new home. Stress manifests in different forms. From not eating, reluctancy to play and greet people. Being apprehensive at the vet’s office or as strangers reach for them. Diarrhea, vomiting and depression can occur.
So what can you as a new owner do to help your little one acclimate?
- most puppies take 3-4 weeks to acclimate to their new home. Repeat after me THREE to FOUR WEEKS! Not a 1-2 days. I can’t stress this enough about how much time is needed for a dog or puppy to feel comfortable in their new home!
- limit guests during the first week. We understand you are excited to show off your new baby but they need time to adjust. Plan on waiting 1-2 weeks before inviting people over
- ask guest to sit on the ground and let the puppy approach them. No squealing and grabbing the puppy
- set up a good routine
- restrict the puppy to a small area of the house. This not only reduces them being overwhelmed but also allows you to watch them
- don’t expect a 9-13 week old puppy to walk on a leash. Instead work at home with a leash where they are comfortable. Let them drag the leash, use treats to encourage them to walk with you
- if your puppy is refusing to walk give them time. My first trips to town with puppies a walk around a small block took 1 1/2 hours. We only move when they initiate the movement as they need time to take in the different environment
- understand your puppy needs time to see you as family. Expecting an immediate bond is unrealistic
- train your puppy. This not only helps you to bond but the puppy to look to you for direction and input
- lastly be patient. Don’t declare “omg there’s something wrong with this dog”. Nothing occurs overnight. Outings should be planned at puppy speed. So while you might imagine a fun walk around the lake, in reality your puppy might only be able to handle walking a short distance that day.
Most outings for me take a long time, as I am often just standing still as the puppy cautiously explores the new environment. Patience is key!
Remember if the puppy was wonderful at the breeder’s house but now is struggling, you as the owner, need to help the puppy adjust which takes time, patience and training. Have realistic expectations and give the puppy positive experiences. Each puppy is an individual, don’t compare your current puppy to past pets and judge their behavior based on how another dog handled things. Lastly, try to see thing’s from a puppy’s perspective and adjust situations accordingly. Author Credit Terry Hansen
Feel free to call, text, or email at any time with any questions you might have. I do my best to be available and respond promptly.
Text is the best way to reach me quickly and I'm happy to set up a time to talk on the phone that's convenient for us both.
(469) 919-8056
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